Small Acts and Dispersions

How to Behave as a FEMEN Activist Lesson 1 (English with Spanish Subtitles)

Watch the first educational FEMEN video and be better prepared if you want to make an action in FEMEN style!

Videos Creative Resistance

Tools of Protest: Disobedient Objects

A fascinating new exhibition celebrates the most unlikely protest objects ...

Articles Creative Resistance

How To Behave As a FEMEN Activist (Italian Version)

Watch the first educational FEMEN video and be better prepared if you want to make an action in FEMEN style!

Videos Protest Tips

The Power of Nonviolent Change: Argentina’s Mothers of the Disappeared

How mothers of disappeared Argentinians challenged the paralysis of fear

Articles Creative Resistance

‘We Are Not Fine!’ Posters Go Viral at South Korea’s Universities

One student's conscience and courage has shaken up the whole country

Articles Creative Resistance

Flotilla unsettles Indonesia’s occupation of West Papua

Awakening solidarity through “cultural exchange” in West Papua ...

Articles Blogger

Human Rights Channel

The YouTube Human Rights Channel is a central hub for citizen footage of human rights issues.

Articles Protest Worldwide

Running for Peace

How the biggest sports event in the Middle East unites people from opposing political and religious communities ...

Videos Protest Worldwide

6 Steps To Stage a Social Protest

How to stage a social protest? This guide will help you to prepare and steer clear of pitfalls and problems.

Articles Protest Tips

An Ex-Muslim Woman for FEMEN

Read an Ex-muslim opinion on Islamic fundamentalism

Articles Blogger

How Hijab Protects Women From Sexual Harassment?

Sexually harassed in Pakistan, with or without a hijab ...

Articles Blogger

How to Become a 21st-Century Social Activist

Want to make a difference in the world? Here's how you can become a 21st-century social activist!

Articles Protest Tips

The Power of Nonviolent Self-Defense

How can we handle dangerous encounters in a fair and nonviolent way, especially when inequalities of race come into play?

Articles Protest Tips

Everyone Can Be Active!

There are many ways to be active although you are disabled.

Articles Protest Tips

10 Ways to Make Positive Change in the World

Sophie McAdams gives ten creative tips how to make positive change in the world.

Articles Protest Tips

Golden toad revival sweeps UK banks

Performance activist Reverend Billy and his choir bring extinct toads to the lobbies of the UK's most climate-change-inducing banks.

Articles Protest Worldwide

Beyond Bytes

The Iranian Internet between Freedom and Isolation.

Videos Protest Tips

Dancing Against Sexual Harassment

After being sexually abused, Ellie Cosgrave decided to express her feelings through dancing ...

Videos Creative Resistance

Blank Noise Wants Bangalore’s ›Rapist Lane‹ Safe

Blank Noise fights against sexual violence in Bangalore's 'Rapist Lane' ...

Articles News Protest Worldwide

The Next Phase of the Bosnian “baby revolution”

Bosnia: Protesters launch unity movement against the government's political stalemate.

Articles News

I Talk Out Loud

A school organises a campaign against stoning in Iran ...

Videos Protest Tips

Tutorial: How to Film a Revolution!

The revolution will not be televised - It will be filmed by you!

Videos Downloads

How to Behave as a FEMEN Activist (1)

Watch the first educational FEMEN video and be better prepared if you want to make an action in FEMEN style!

Videos Downloads

Livestream as a Weapon / 15-M

Die sternförmigen Protestmärsche der Empörten.

Videos Creative Resistance


›Hands‹ is a project developed in 2013 of Octavi Serra, Mateu Targa, Daniel Llugany and Pau Garcia.

Videos Protest Worldwide

Poesie und Rebellion: Jumana Mustafa

Jumana Mustafa gehört der Generation Revolution an.

Videos Le Monde Arabe

Sex Strike

If you don't get what you want, then withdraw your services...

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide

OTPOR Artists on Revolution Design

Nenad Duda Petrović designed the powerful, internationally known logos for the Serbian resistance groups “Otpor!” and CANVAS.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Tips

John Jackson on how to Fight the Power

Another unconventional method to fight the power: It makes sense to be loyal to your enemies. Here’s why.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide